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Overview of CSS3 Structural pseudo-classes

Structural pseudo-classes let you select and style child elements of a container based on a variety of generic criteria, such as the 3rd child, even/odd child elements, or even the nth child element of a certain type.
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Microsoft specifc CSS properties (”-ms-”)

A list of IE specific CSS properties, which are now all expected to be prefixed with "-ms-" starting in IE8.
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25 extremely useful CSS Shorthand Tutorials

Here are some 25 useful CSS shorthand tutorials to make your CSS code more concise.
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CSS Sprites2 - It’s JavaScript Time

CSS sprites technique redux using JavaScript and jQuery.
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10 Principles of the CSS Masters

10 excellent CSS principles to make your stylesheets easier to navigate, smaller in size and give you more control over how your website looks.
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20 Websites To Help You Learn and Master CSS

20 excellent websites to help you master CSS. There’s a wide range of websites, from blogs to directory style lists and websites that focus on one particular CSS topic.
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9 Top CSS Essential Skills That Every Web designer Should Learn

A collection of 9 crucial CSS techniques all web designers should be handy with.
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Clean and Optimized CSS Code

Some wonderful pointers on how to optimize your CSS code and also become more efficient in creating yout style sheets. These are great examples I even go by!
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Creating a product listing interface using CSS

The article shows how to create an Amazon-like product display using CSS.
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Coping With Internet Explorer’s Mishandling of Buttons

One of the more exasperating quirks of Internet Explorer is the way it mishandles BUTTON elements. A look at the issue and a workaround.

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