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IE5 to IE8 CSS compatibility chart

A listing of all CSS properties and their support in the various IE browsers including version 8.
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Curly Quotes without Images

"24 Ways" teaches you how to create the enlarged blockquote style quotes w/o using background images.
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Drop Caps image style

A rather creative twist to regular CSS Drops Caps, by using an image.
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Quicker DOM Traversing with CSS Selectors

Safari WebKit and the upcoming IE8 both support DOM traversal using CSS selector style syntax. A quick look at just what this is.
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Create a Microsoft Word-Style Outline with CSS

See how to turn ordinary lists into MS Word style, nested TOC lists using CSS.
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Detailed Look at Stacking in CSS

Using CSS z-index to affect stacking order is a much deeper topic than it may appear. This article delves into z-index in CSS.
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Create Resizing Thumbnails Using Overflow Property

Resizing of the thumb's visible area on mouse over using overflow property.
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7 Tips for Great Print Style Sheets

Here are a few tips for creating a print style sheet for your pages.
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Pure Css Icon Sketcher

How to draw old school pixelated shapes using only css.
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CSS Web 2.0 Glossy Text

A simple CSS trick that shows you how to create a glossy text effect using just CSS and a PNG image.

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