
Resources Home Typography and font

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Typography Commandments

10 deadly sins you should avoid when it comes to site typography.
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15 Beautiful Typography Inspired Websites

"I've seen a lot of designs lately experimenting with large type, and with the right choice of font, contrast and whitespace they look great."
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5 Simple Ways to Improve Web Typography

Good typography brings order to the page and increases legibility. Here are 5 easy fixes for the typographic eyesores that abound across the web.
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Dealing with CSS Font-Sizes

Pixels or ems, that's the question when it comes to specifying font size in CSS. A look at how to equalize between the two.
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Implant sIFR3 - A Healthy Alternative to Browser Text

A step by step to adding sIFR version 3 on your site. siFR is a method for inserting custom typography into web pages without sacrificing accessibility
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20+ Beautiful Free Serif Fonts

A compilation of beautiful, elegant serif fonts available for download.
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18 Creative Examples of Typography & Paragraphs

Paragraph typography and design is a subject many web designers don't pay enough attention to. Here are 18 creative examples to give you reason to.
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CSS Typography Reference Sheet

CSS Typography Property Table, Web Safe Fonts Table and CSS Typography Value Conversion Table.
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Top 7 Fonts Used By Professionals In Graphic Design

7 fonts you may have seen online and in print and wished you knew the names to.
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12 Examples of Effective Text-Only Logos

12 examples of attractive text based site logos that show how they can be just as effective as images.

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