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CSS Form Articles
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Responsive 2 column form
A beautiful, bold two column FORM template that's also responsive.
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Mobile form design strategies
A Web form which works well on desktops won’t necessarily work on mobile devices. This article looks at how to optimize a desktop form for the mobile space.
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Fun with HTML5 Forms
A nice break down of the new HTML5 features and progressive improvements for forms.
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Image Bubbles using CSS3 transform and transitions
The following uses CSS3's transform and transition properties to create images that bubble up and enlarge when the mouse rolls over them.
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91 Trendy Contact And Web Forms For Creative Inspiration
This article showcases modern and interesting contact/web forms found around the Internet plus the pages' sometimes interesting titles.
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25 Exceptional Contact Forms to get Inspired
Here are 25 uniquely designed contact forms to inspire you to be more creative with yours.
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How To Use Pure CSS or JavaScript plugins to style web forms
A look at styling web forms using pure CSS alone or with the aid of JavaScript plugins.
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24 HTML Form Elements Customization Techniques
Here are 24 articles on transforming regular form elements such as checkboxes and select lists into custom UI elements.
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Corporate CSS Tableless form
An elegant tableless CSS form template with a decidedly corporate look and feel.
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WuFoo form templates
A superb collection of free CSS form templates, categorized by theme.