
Design News:

Design Pride Breast Cancer WP Theme

A beautiful free Wordpress theme dedicated to Breast Cancer awareness. This is a great campaign we should all be a part of here at CSSDrive.

Comments (15)

If i could vote this thumbs up I would, I love the cause, love the concept and think everyone should chime in and help spread the word.

Hope is a beautiful thing

Joel, mark, rip me apart for this one, but I had to. :)

I’m going to go pink in a minute (my blog i mean)

#1: Moni on 08/28 at 02:21 PM

Great find. Great cause. Great theme.
Thanks a lot Moni for the find, great thing of you to do
I went pink. http://www.iheartyahoo.com/

#2: M on 08/28 at 02:40 PM

We at Detroit.info have also gone pink using design prides theme. What a special gesture and offering of hope and support. Beautiful, thank you Moni for the link.

#3: Detroit on 08/28 at 02:53 PM

Very elegant theme. Thanks for sharing, Moni.  XOXOXO

#4: Amy Sue on 08/28 at 03:21 PM

Moni, thank you for the share.
We have gone pink at watshit.com

#5: Justin on 08/28 at 03:34 PM

I’ll be using that theme soon, it’s for such a beautiful cause and a great idea. Spreading the word online is a great thing and I hope it enlightens/saves lives. Thanks for sharing this great site

#6: SuperHero on 08/28 at 04:10 PM

Moni you rock! This is an amazing theme and an even more amazing cause. I’m absolutely in love with it! I’m using the theme already!

#7: Amanda on 08/28 at 04:26 PM

Great feedback guys, what the heck, you all waiting on a post of my to jump on and rip apart? LMAO

So glad you appreciate the act of good faith here.
Just to show we all truly do care.
Even though my blog readers (warez/coders) may hate this, I changed the theme. I am now officially pinkafied :D

What i would give to see mark and joel in pink LOL

#8: Moni on 08/28 at 04:45 PM

i’m on holiday right now btw guys so i may not be as active as I would like to be! Soon as im back home i will do my best to post on a daily basis here!

#9: Moni on 08/28 at 04:47 PM

Moni, this is cool of you. Was expecting a rubbish theme or something but again, your posts have only been adding CSSDrive community as of late, in a good way. You also seem to have a nice following, keep it up.

I will add a link to dnpride.com in my blogrole.

#10: Greg on 08/28 at 05:05 PM
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