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Form Elements: 40+ CSS/JS Styling and Functionality Techniques

40+ noteworthy techniques for styling and functionality of Form Fields such as styling different form fields, live validation, Context highlighting, trading options from field to another, slider controls and more - using CSS and different Javascript libraries.
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Benchmark: Fastest way to code a loop in JavaScript

Efficiency in our JavaScript code is becoming more and more important. A benchmark of the least and most expensive ways to code a JS loop.
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Non-blocking JavaScript Downloads

External JavaScripts on your page can stall or even halt the loading of anything that follows when the remote server goes down. YUI looks at this problem and some solutions.
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Speeding up DOM nodes insertion with DocumentFragment

John Resig shows how the createDocumentFragment() method can increase DOM related insertions by 2-3 times.
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Obfuscated JavaScript Redux

The latest in JavaScript obfuscation to hide malware involves the use of referral info and JavaScript's "arguments.callee."
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jQuery HTML tooltip

jQuery based HTML tooltips that are defined online on the page as DIV elements.
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Performing GET and POST requests using Ajax

A frank and gentle tutorial on Ajax, covering important topics such as fetching XML and JSON files using it.
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JavaScript String Performance: an Analysis

A detailed analysis on JavaScript String Performance in the major browsers.
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Exceptional Ajax/javascript Techniques (Recently Created)

30 hand-picked Ajax and javascript techniques, freshly created.
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30+ Javascript/Ajax Techniques for Sliders, Scrollers and Scrollbars

In this article we would like to present a list of over 30 hand-picked Sliders, Scrollers and scrollbar techniques you can use to achieve some special visual effects in your designs.

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