Allignment issues
Posted: 09 July 2010 09:32 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2010-07-09

I have always had someone else to do my CSS cutup for me, but I am giving a go at it due to a small budget on this project. This will probably take someone 10 seconds to answer.

Here is my html code:

<div id=“row2”>
  <div class=“left”>
  <div class=“center”>
  <div class=“right”>

Here is the css:

      #row2{width:940px; height:54px;  }
      #row2 .left{width:8px; height:54px; background:url(Images/nav-left.gif);  float:left;}
      #row2 .center{width:932px; height:54px; background:url(Images/nav-tail.gif) repeat left bottom;}
      #row2 .right{width:8px; height:54px; background:url(Images/nav-right.gif); float:right;}

The image background for #row2 .right is showing on the next line floating to the right. How do I get this on the correct line?

Thanks in advance!
