Tablular or not Tabular
Posted: 11 August 2005 10:42 PM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  13
Joined  2005-08-11

I’m currently creating a forum in ColdFusion that I will offer for free on my site. It is being made in full CSS and will implement Accessibility. I am only using tables where it is strictly tabular data. CSS controls the layout structure and formatting. My question is in regard to a specific part of my forum. I’m trying to create an accessible table on my posts page. The page that contains all the posts (messages) for a topic. I’m having trouble structuring that table to make it accessible (508 compliance) but I’m starting to wonder if that would be really consider tabular data. What do you think or suggest??

Posted: 12 April 2007 03:13 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2007-04-12

You can try CFAjax, it is very useful for ColdFusion developer, It makes coldfusion method calls on server directly from HTML page using JavaScript and return backs the result to the calling HTML page. CFAjax comes with simple to use JavaScript API and simple coldfusion implementation that marshal’s the response between your CF methods and HTML page. Using CFAjax you can create highly interactive websites with greater performance and usability.

good luck.

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