Posted: 20 March 2006 08:48 AM   [ Ignore ]
Total Posts:  1
Joined  2006-03-20

Hi.. I am just curious about the examples shown in the gallery. Most appear to be manufactured templates from professional blogging software companies.. Blogger, Expression, Wordpress, etc.. I thought CSSDrive was about examples that people have actually ‘developed’ by hand and from scratch.. What exactly is CSSDrive about then if examples are plain and simple templates? Where is the innovation? I can understand if folks don’t have the time to develop a blog site using css then by all means, use the templates.. I’m not knocking that, I just have an issue with a ‘showcasing’ site such as this one that doesn’t really showcase what average or advanced site owners develop using their own creativity.


Posted: 29 March 2006 05:32 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 1 ]
Total Posts:  54
Joined  2005-01-13

Hi ,there is no confusion at all.  I am closely following this gallery for more than a year and I can proudly conclude that it is one of the finest CSS gallery Sites .Some of the designs may be the manufactured template but not at the cost of Creativity.

Posted: 29 March 2006 08:50 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 2 ]
Total Posts:  17
Joined  2006-03-09

id have to agree with captain morgan, there should be a diff between beautiful adjustments of templates (nothing wrong there) and truly inovative css solutions.
ofcourse later category would not make such a bunch, you can bet there would be like 2 entries per year.

Posted: 27 November 2010 09:13 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 3 ]
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Joined  2010-11-27

yea, have to agree with captain morgan, there should be a diff between beautiful adjustments of templates (nothing wrong there) and truly inovative css solutions.
ofcourse later category would not make such a bunch…. thanks !
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Posted: 25 December 2010 10:14 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 4 ]
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You can’t hope to see something extraordinary every time you explore the gallery btw it’s easier to learn from standard things ..

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Posted: 09 February 2011 10:06 PM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 5 ]
Total Posts:  8
Joined  2011-02-09

I’m sort of wondering that myself…most of the CSS displayed here looks a lot like over-used WP themes, but there are some exceptions, I’ve seen some really unique stuff here but for the most part it seems like you really have to dig to find the good stuff.

Posted: 15 March 2011 02:26 AM   [ Ignore ]   [ # 6 ]
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Joined  2010-04-23

Yeah, same here. A lot of the templates see to be rehashes of other templates. But what can you expect when they are free.
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